Management & Operations
Remember, superlative customer interaction and an educated staff are the cornerstone for today’s brands. We have a track record in training your staff to handle ALL objection handling with patience and problem solving.
We created Pop-Up Staffing, LLC in 2017, specializing in short and long-term retail hiring and staffing for all manner of retail environments.

Training & Education
If today’s consumer can go online and learn about your product, what would give your front-line people that elusive competitive edge?
Our job is to train our staff to be your Brand Ambassadors.

Your brand isn’t just a brick and mortar store…we’re here to elevate your brand with experiences and visual communication that continues to be a presence in the customer’s mind long after they’ve left the store.

Experiential Design is a powerful tool to attract today’s customer. From your store’s interior, to a presence on the walkway, we create exemplary experiences that drives sales.